Public Service Preparation Material (Theoritical Q&A)

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Internal Procedure: Question paper preparation and answer sheet testing

The Public Service Commission is an independent and autonomous constitutional body. It collects demand for vacancies, advertises, collects applications, investigates, conducts examinations, publishes results, conducts interviews and makes recommendations to select suitable employees for the civil service. The Public Service Commission performs these functions in accordance with the Constitution of Nepal, Public Service Commission Act-2066, Public Service Commission Rules-2067, Public Service Commission (Operations) Directive 2067 and Code of Conduct for Public Service Commission Officers and Skilled Experts and Staff-2069.

The recent constitution of Nepal has added the responsibility of conducting written examination for the posts of security agencies and organizations / public institutions to the Public Service Commission. According to this arrangement, the Public Service Commission has been conducting examinations in security agencies such as Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, National Investigation Department and public institutions including Nepal Telecom, Electricity Authority and Airlines Corporation. It has been continuously supplying manpower required for the civil service, security agencies and organizations / public institutions. It works accordingly by making an annual schedule to organize its work. He has been bringing information of his daily work to the public through his weekly bulletin every Wednesday and the same information every Wednesday through Gorkhapatra.

The Public Service Commission does all its work in a very impartial manner. Due to this, the attraction and trust of the general public towards public service has increased. Among the tasks of the public service, the preparation of question papers and the examination of answer scripts are highly secretive. The Public Service Commission performs these tasks in a highly confidential manner by experts in related fields. Such actions taken by the Public Service Commission and the principles to be followed can be expected to be a guide for the Provincial Public Service Commission as well. Not everyone is aware of the internal workings of the Public Service Commission, so here is an attempt to discuss these and related provisions.


To prepare question paper

There is an arrangement for the question papers to be prepared by the experts of the relevant subject for the examination to be taken by the public servants. When creating a question paper, usually five sets of questions of one subject have to be prepared by five experts. Public servants ask objective questions and thematic questions in the written examination. Asking objective questions includes right and wrong separation questions, matching questions and filling in the blanks.

In the case of asking thematic questions, the public service candidate is allowed to express his / her original views in a descriptive manner. The candidate has to compare the two perspectives and compare the answers. The candidate has to give reasons and confirmation by expressing his / her opinion for or against something. Given the opportunity to ask independent questions, ask questions about reasons and effects to confirm an event and reality, ask short answers to test a candidate's understanding and ability to use, and ask questions about problem solving.

The public service has made arrangements to pay attention while formulating thematic questions. While formulating thematic questions, questions should be formulated to check the achievements of knowledge, perception, experiment, analysis, synthesis and evaluation level according to the cognitive level, not to ask controversial, ambiguous and vague questions. Include questions that can be answered within the allotted time based on the curriculum and objectives of the specified service group to check originality, formulate questions from all sections of the syllabus, formulate questions focusing on the practical side in the internal exam and the theoretical side in the open exam. Each piece of the question should be numbered, the answer should be included in the 5-point question, the sum of the possible point answers expected in the 10-point or more questions should be summarized, the topics should be included and how many should be included. There is even talk of providing points The marking scheme should be attached with the question of separation, the answer of the Deputy Secretary and the Joint Secretary should be focused on the four subject areas and the answers should be written in four subject areas. : In case of 20 digit weight, 4 should be mentioned in the question in the form of 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 or 4 + 6 + 4 + 6 etc.


 To modify the question paper

There is a provision for one or more experts to modify the questions prepared by the subject matter expert as per the need. When revising the question paper, it should be included from all the texts and the candidate should be able to write the answer within the stipulated time. When modifying the questions, care should be taken not to ask controversial and ambiguous questions, not to ask extra-curricular questions, not to ask questions that correspond to the level of the relevant post, not to repeat questions within one set of questions, not to prepare three sets of questions on one subject. There is a provision to wash such questions if they are found unsuitable for use while modifying the questions.


 To store question papers

The Public Service Commission stores one question paper to store the modified question papers. The supervision and control of the Secretary of the Commission is the responsibility of the Chief Joint Secretary of the concerned branch. The question papers in the question paper store can be modified from time to time and reused.


To select and print the question paper

Out of three sets of question papers of the same level of a subject, one set of question papers to be used in the written examination is selected by the chairperson of the commission. There is a provision that the question paper selected by the chairperson should be printed by the staff appointed by the secretary in the central office of the commission and the head of the concerned office in the regional and zonal office of the commission under the supervision of the representative of the central office of the commission.


Taking written test

After the selection and printing of the question papers, the Public Service Commission conducts a written examination to select the candidates.


Put the first code in the answer sheet

After the completion of the written examination, the answer scripts of all the examination centers will be collected and all the answer scripts will be turned upside down and the first code will be kept. The first code in the answer booklet is to be kept by the concerned Joint Chief Secretary at the Central Office and in other offices by the Head of the concerned Office under the guidance of the representative of the Central Office of the Commission.


Put the second code in the answer sheet

There is an arrangement for the authorized staff appointed by the secretary of the commission to keep the second code by flipping the answer sheet with the first code. There is an arrangement to use black ink for the first code and red ink for the second code in the answer script. The sealing of the first half of the code in the answer booklet is the responsibility of the Secretary of the Commission or the staff designated by him and the sealing of the second code is the responsibility of the Chairman of the Commission or the staff designated by him.


To test the answer script

There is an arrangement for the examination of the answer script of the examination to be taken by the Public Service Commission to be conducted by an expert in the related subject. There is a provision to give 20 days to a packet to test the answer scripts and if the answer scripts are tested and sent within the stipulated time, 20 percent increase will be added to the salary. When sending the answer book to the concerned subject expert for examination, there is a provision to submit the question paper of the related subject, answer sheet form, condition to be followed by the expert and the guideline of the non-gazetted post in secret.

After examining the answer scripts, the examiner should send the marks in marks and letters in the answer sheet form. The Public Service Commission has made arrangements for the examiner to pay attention while examining the answer scripts of the thematic questions. When examining the answer scripts of thematic questions, the examiner has to determine the standard of the answer scripts in order to test the answer scripts objectively and test the answer scripts according to the test schedule.

The standard of answer scripts is as follows: less than 40 percent inappropriate, 40 percent or above 45 percent, average 45 percent to 50 percent, high level 50 percent to 60 percent, very high level 60 percent.


Answer sheet test base schedule

Basis to be adopted while testing thematic answer scripts

(A) factual and logical expression of subject matter knowledge,

(B) originality,

(C) Criticism and criticism,

(D) presentation,

(E) purity and cleanliness,

Its number division is arranged with the following examples:


If any examinee is found to get very high marks in the thematic paper, the reason should be disclosed. If there are fragmentary questions in the same question, marks should be given according to the marking scheme allotted for each fragmented question. The examiner should re-examine 10 percent of the answer scripts which get high marks while testing the answer scripts. If any relative of the examiner has given the test, the answer script should be returned in sealed form without examination. When examining the thematic answer books, one should examine the factual and logical expression of the subject knowledge, originality, critique and critical power, presentation, accuracy and cleanliness. While testing the answer scripts, the marks should be tested according to the plan provided by the public service.

The points expected by the North should be listed before testing and their score should be ensured. You have to make sure in advance how many answer scripts are to be tested in one sitting and when testing the answer scripts you should use red ink and provide marks on the left side of the answer sheet as much as possible.

Verify the answer sheet

There is an arrangement to verify the answer scripts obtained by the experts from the commission. While verifying the answer script, all the answers written by the candidate have been examined and marks have been given. All the marks given by the examiner have been matched properly.


To review the answer script

If the public service deems it necessary, it can inspect all or some of the answer scripts that have been tested by an expert in the relevant subject.


Re-examination of answer scripts

If the answer sheet is found to be non-compliant, the public servant may re-examine the answer sheet. However, after the results of the written test are published, the public service will not re-examine the answer scripts.


To publish the result of written examination

After the examination, verification and re-examination of the answer scripts as required, the Public Service publishes the results of the written examination in alphabetical order of the candidates.


Re-totaling system

After the publication of the results of the written examination, a candidate may apply to the concerned office of the Public Service Commission within seven days from the date of publication of the results of the written examination by paying half of the prescribed fee. If such application for re-application is received, the Public Service Commission will re-apply and inform the applicant of the result through public notice.There is law.


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